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Chinese translation for "oak ridge"


Related Translations:
oak:  n.,int.,vt.=O.K.n.1.栎树,橡,?,?;栎木,栎叶;栎树嫩叶色。2.〔英大学〕坚牢的(栎木)大门。3.栎木家具[木器]。4.〔诗〕木船。adj.栎(木制的)。 an oak table 栎木桌子。 a heart of oak 坚忍不拔的人,勇士。 Oak may fall when reeds stand the storm. 〔谚语〕树大招风。 spo
dumbarton oaks:  n.敦巴顿橡树园〔在华盛顿郊区,1944年8月-10月间,中美英苏四国代表为筹备建立联合国举行会议的地方〕。
yellow oak:  【植物;植物学】栎树。
water oak:  【植物;植物学】黑栎。
oak apple:  oak gall 栎五倍子。
willow oak:  【植物;植物学】(北美)柳栎。
cork oak:  【植物;植物学】栓皮槠。
bog oak:  泥炭中的黑?。
jerusalem oak:  【植物;植物学】总状花藜 (Chenopodium botrys) 〔产于美国北部和加拿大〕。
oak wilt:  【植病】橡萎蔫病。
Example Sentences:
1.The analogy between auschwitz and oak ridge seems forced .
2.Jg davis et al : health effects of low - frequency electric and magnetic fields . oak ridge associated universities , 1992
3.Oak ridge ' s pvm is designed to provide low - cost supercomputers by coaxing disparate machines on a network to cooperate together on the same problem
4.People were sequestered there and they invited the georgia clodhoppers , who i might add needed a name change , they invited them over to sing on weekends and started calling them their oak ridge quartet
在那儿,他们邀请乔治亚乡下佬后来改名了,他们请他们周末到那里唱歌,便开始称他们为oak ridge四人组。
5.The 2 , 000 - capacity first baptist church of hendersonville was nearly full for the service , which included gospel music from larry gatlin and the gatlin brothers , emmylou harris and the oak ridge boys
在此处指的是a religious rite ,一种宗教仪式。俯身,屈从而bend over backward的意思是尽最大的力量做某事。
6." the mentality of ' just roll out the ball and supervise recess ' still haunt efforts to enhance or even keep pe requirements at constant levels , " says shirley holt - hale , an elementary pe teacher from oak ridge , tennessee
“那种‘只是踢踢球和管管课间休息’的想法仍然在困扰为提高甚或仅在一定水平上保持体育标准所作的努力, ”来自田纳西橡树岭的小学体育教师雪利.霍尔特-黑尔说。
7.After two years at the indiana university and one year at the university of wisconsin - madison of postdoctoral research , he joined the oak ridge national laboratory ornl in 1975 where he worked at the fusion energy division for 29 years and retired as a senior r d staff
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